Toolkit: Designing video-supported learning 

In this guide:

About designing video-supported learning

Educational videos are most effective when they are clearly aligned with a learning activity. A “learning activity” refers to the whole experience aimed at helping students achieve the intended learning outcomes. This includes not only viewing (and reviewing) educational videos, but also what students do before, during and after viewing  

Design stages 

There are two stages in designing video-supported learning:   

  • Designing the learning activity
  • Storyboarding the video component. 

 Designing the learning activity 

A well-designed video-supported learning activity will:  

  • Clearly define aims within the learning outcomes
  • Engage students in a series of tasks to achieve those outcomes
  • Provide the knowledge, resources and support students need to complete the activity
  • Produce evidence of engagement which can be used to assess how the outcomes have been achieved
  • Align with the extended curriculum of teaching, learning and assessment 

Download and fill out our design prompt questions (DOC 43 KB) for you and your course team to consider when designing your video-supported learning activity. 

Storyboarding the video 

Once you have determined how your video will support a learning activity, you can plan the audio-visual content. A storyboard will help you plan the structure and pace of the video and communicate your intentions to colleagues in advance of production.  

Download our storyboard template and guidelines. (DOC 47 KB) 

You can also download this example of a completed storyboard (PDF 344 KB) that the Exchange’s Digital Learning team used to plan this video on organizing learning materials

Next steps 

Once you’ve completed the design process you’re ready to produce your video. Consider:  

  • which software tools will you use to convert your storyboard into the video activity? 
  • the extent to which high or low production values are appropriate for the video’s purpose and audience? 

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