Miro: Account types

In this guide:

What is Miro?

What type of account should I use?

What is Miro?

Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform. Tutors and students can work in teams, create boards and build content together.

What type of account should I use?

Free Education account

Students and staff can set up a free Education account through Miro.

You need your UAL ID and can sign up with an email address. Applications may take up to 5 days to be approved.

The free education account allows you to:

  • Create and edit boards
  • Engage with each other’s boards
  • Share boards via a  link

Free Education accounts can have:

  • 1 team admin
  • 100 members
  • unlimited external board viewers and commenters
  • unlimited Guest editors

UAL-licensed Miro Enterprise account

The Free Education account allows for the use of most Miro features. UAL has a limited number of full Miro licenses that are being managed by colleges.

These licenses are usually for:

  1. Course teams. Only staff members can receive a licensed account. Talk to your College Digital Learning team if you want learn more about using this with your students.
  1. Special projects. Defined projects of a time-based length that require administrative management of more than one team admin (for example, cross- institutional projects, joint international courses, and funded research projects). May include student licenses at the discretion of the Colleges and with a pre- agreed upon lifecycle plan for student accounts
  1. Special cases. Priority for courses requiring the safeguarding and authentication of users, which may include foundation and distance-learning provisions. May include student licenses at the discretion of the Colleges with a pre-agreed upon lifecycle plan for student accounts.

To create a team or to add a team member to your team, send your request with required staff team members with their UAL email address to your local College digital learning teams. Please provide ample notice prior to the date of your anticipated session. If you have any questions as to your projected timeline with your course dates, get in touch with your local College Digital Learning team.

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