Turnitin (Feedback Studio): Submission checklist

Use this checklist to prepare your submission.

  1. Have you read the Assignment Brief?
  2. Is the file in the correct format?
  3. Should you be submitting anonymously?
  4. Is the file more than 100MB in size?
  5. Will Turnitin accept image files?
  6. Are you using a supported internet browser on a stable connection?
  7. Are you using AVG anti-virus software?
  8. Do not leave it until the last minute!
  9. Do you need further help?

Have you read the Assignment Brief? 

Make sure you read the submission information carefully. This will give you important information like the file format, file size and the deadline for the submission.  

  • How many parts do you need to submit?
  • What is the date and time that submission opens?
  • What is the date and time that submission closes?

Is the file in the correct format? 

Assignment briefs will normally specify the type of file you must submit your work, however, if an assignment is set to allow any file type, Turnitin will accept any file:  

  • is less than 40mb 
  • has a minimum of 25 words within the file 
  • has less than 400 pages  
  • has no spaces between each letter  l i k e  t h i s 
  • use standard Fonts – do not use Unicode character sets like Arial Unicode MS 

Turnitin will accept

If the assignment is set to allow only file types that Turnitin can check for originality, Turnitin will only accept files that can generate Originality Reports. This includes:  

  • Microsoft Word® (.doc/.docx) 
  • OpenOffice Text (.odt) 
  • WordPerfect®  (.wpd) 
  • PostScript (.ps/.eps) 
  • HTML  
  • Hangul Word Processor file (.hwp) 
  • Rich text format (.rtf) 
  • Plain text (.txt) 
  • Google Docs via Google Drive™ 
  • Adobe® PDF 
  • Microsoft PowerPoint® (.pptx, .ppt, .ppsx, and .pps) 
  • Microsoft Excel® (.xls and .xlsx) 

Using unsupported word processors

If you are using a word processor that is not listed above, you may need to save your plain text file as .txt or .rtf in order to upload to Turnitin. 

Using Google Drive

Third party cookies must be allowed in your browser, otherwise, any attempts to sign into Google to upload from Google Drive will fail. Do not upload Google Doc (.gdoc) files directly to Turnitin; a .gdoc file does not store the document, but contains a reference to it online, in Google Docs. 

Using PDFs

Turnitin will not accept PDF image files, forms, or portfolios, files that do not contain highlightable text (e.g. a scanned file – usually an image), documents containing multiple files or files created with software other than Adobe Acrobat®.  

Checking the document viewer

We highly recommend you use the image preview provided in the single file submission to verify that the file is presented in an acceptable manner.  

You can adjust the way the file looks by editing the page setup and print area settings for the file prior to saving it and submitting it to Turnitin. 

Turnitin will not accept 

Turnitin will not accept the following to generate Originality Reports:  

  • Password protected files 
  • Microsoft® Works (.wps) files 
  • Microsoft Word 2007 macros-enabled .docm files 
  • OpenOffice Text (.odt) files created and downloaded from Google Docs online 
  • Document (.doc) files created using OpenOffice, as they are not 100% Microsoft Word equivalent
  • Apple Pages 
  • Spreadsheets created outside of Microsoft Excel (i.e. .ods)
  • Text with visual effects 

Converting file types

If you created your submission using an unsupported file type, you will need to convert to a new file format. When converting, you should rename your file with a name other than that of the original file. This can help prevent permanent loss of the original formatting or image content of a file.  

Rename the file so that it is meaningful for example;  

  • Managing Fashion Marketing abc12345678.docx 
  • Dissertation abc12345678.pdf 
  • Unit8 Submission abc12345678.docx 

Check that your file is named correctly. If the file ends in .doc or .docx it will load in Turnitin but will produce a blank document. 

Should you be submitting anonymously? 

View the Anonymous Marking Policy to learn more about how we use anonymous marking at UAL.

If your assignment should be anonymous please follow these steps: 

  • Do not put your name anywhere on your work.
  • Use the number part of your Student ID only (do not include the first three letters of your surname) in the header and footer. For example: your full student ID may be HYD12345678. Only use the 12345678 section.
  • Submit the file in the format specified in your assessment brief and make sure your file name begins with the number/numerical part of your Student ID Number only NON12345678
  • Include the Anonymised Essay Cover Sheet as part of this document.
  • Keep the email receipt of your successful submission.

Is the file more than 100MB in size?

The file size of your assignment should be no more than 100MB when you upload your written assignment.  Turnitin will not accept an assignment that is larger than 100MB and you will get an error message if you attempt larger files. 

Compress your PDF file 

If your file exceeds this limit, use the following sites to help compress your PDF file: 

Compress the image sizes in your Microsoft Word file 

If your file size is too big it may be that your assignment contains uncompressed or un-optimised images or charts. 

  • Keep your image file size to around 100KB. 
  • Avoid compressing your images too much as the image quality will be poor. 
  • Check the file size of the image you want to put into your assignment document before you add it, right click on the image file and select properties. 

Will Turnitin accept image files? 

Does your file have scanned images? 

In order for an image file to be accepted as a submission and be marked directly in GradeMark: 

  • The assignment must be set to “Allow any file type” 
  • The image file must be less than 40 MB 
  • The image file must be in one of the following formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, or PICT
    • Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), Google Docs that have little or no text also qualify as image files
    • Image files that are not one of file formats listed above will be accepted through submissions under “Accept Any File Type” 

Are you using a supported internet browser on a stable connection? 

You must use a supported internet browser in order to successfully submit a paper. That includes:

  • Firefox  
  • Chrome  
  • Safari 

Internet Explorer is not a supported internet browser. 

If your connection is slow this can cause the page to time out.           

Are you using AVG anti-virus software? 

Firewall / Anti-virus 

Your computer’s firewall or anti-virus software (e,g, AVG) may be preventing Turnitin from working properly. If this is the case then you should add the following as a “safe site” (i.e, Trusted Site or WhiteList) to your firewall and/or browser: 

  • *.turnitin.com
  • *.submit.ac.uk
  • *.edgecastcdn.net
  • *.edgecast.net 

If you do not know how to do this, please contact the help desk for the antivirus/firewall program in question for instructions.  

All submissions should be made through Moodle and not Turnitin directly. 

Do not leave it until the last minute! 

Leaving submissions to the last minute can be catastrophic in some instances.  

  • You may upload the wrong document.
  • You may get an error message and not be able to upload your document in time.
  • Your computer may have connection problems.
  • Support staff may not be able to assist you at that time.

lo you need further help

Submit a ticket on MySupport if you receive error messages for things you cannot correct yourself. You should also notify your tutor well before the submission closes of your attempts to submit.

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