Moodle: Checking participants and roles


The Participants link enables teachers to easily, view, search for, and filter course participants.

1.Click the Edit mode

Figure 5 Moodle - Checking Participants and roles - Edit mode

2.Select Open course menu > Participants

Figure 2 Moodle – Checking Participants and roles - Open course menu

3.The filter at the top left of the screen allows for filtering by period of activity, enrolment method, group, roles, status and keyword.

Figure 4 Moodle – Checking Participants and roles - Search for users by filters


The role of a user can be viewed via the Participant link

1.Click the Edit mode

Figure 5 Moodle - Checking Participants and roles - Edit mode

2.Select Open course menu > Participants

Figure 2 Moodle – Checking Participants and roles - Open course menu

3.The filter at the top left of the screen allows for filtering by roles.

Figure 8 Moodle – Checking Participants and roles - Filter by roles

4.More than one may be selected, with the option to filter ‘Any’ or ‘All’

Figure 9 Moodle – Checking Participants and roles - filter by any or all

5.You can add roles to a user by clicking on the pencil next to the user role

Figure 10 Moodle – Checking Participants and roles - pencil icon

6.Click on the small disc icon to save that option

Figure 11 Moodle – Checking Participants and roles - disc icon

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