Moodle: Submitting a Panopto video assignment


The assignment module allows students to submit video assignment, review it, and receive feedback including grades.  

Submitting an assignment

1. Click on the submission link

Panopto submission link in Moodle

2. Check the submission status: 

  • Submission status 
  • Grading status 
  • Time remaining 
  • Last modified 
  • Submission comment
The submission status information in a Moodle Panopto assignment

3. Click the Add Panopto Submission button 

The add Panopto submission button

4. Choose, upload, or record your file 

Submission options in the Panopto submission window

5. Click Submit 

The submit button in the Panopto submission window

6. Your submission status will have changed. 

How to record a video for an assignment  

Students can record a new video using Panopto Capture or the Panopto desktop application, which will be added to the course’s assignment folder. 

Recording option in the Panopto submission window

Students can only see their videos in this folder and can edit the video in Panopto before finalizing their submission. If a student would like to edit their video, they should cancel the submission process, log into Panopto, and complete their edits before submitting the video. Once they have made edits, they can restart the submission process and instead select the Choose option to submit their video.  

Note: the Launch Capture option may not be available to you. If you do not have the desktop application downloaded to your machine, click the Download link to download the recorder. 

Updating sharing settings

Panopto student video submissions will be uploaded to a shared course folder that course tutors should usually have access to. The steps below are for troubleshooting access issues with video submissions, but shouldn’t usually be necessary to allow your submissions to be viewed.

Updating sharing settings when submitting

Once your submission has finished uploading, click the Manage Access button in the Panopto Recorder.

This will open Panopto sharing options in a new browser tab

The Manage Access link in the Panopto video submission window

In the Panopto Sharing screen click Change

The Panopto sharing settings window

From the list select Public (unlisted) to allow anyone with the video link to access

Sharing options in the Panopto sharing settings window

Updating sharing settings after submission

Open the Panopto Student Submission link in Moodle

Panopto Student Submission link in Moodle

Click the video link for your submission

A video link in a Panopto Student Submission

Your video file will open in a new browser tab

Click the View in Panopto link in the video player. This will open Panopto in a new browser tab.

Open in Panopto link in the Panopto video player

Click the Sharing button in Panopto

The Sharing settings button in Panopto

In the Panopto Sharing screen click Change

The Panopto sharing settings window

From the list select Public (unlisted) to allow anyone with the video link to access

Sharing options in the Panopto sharing settings window

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