Workflow: Exporting portfolio content
Workflow has support for exporting content from your portfolio. You can export individual pages, collections or the entire content of your Workflow space. The exported files can be accessed through a web browser, or uploaded to another compatible portfolio platform.
Note: Workflow is built on the Mahara platform, exported files can be uploaded to other Mahara-based portfolio sites.
To access the Export your portfolio page:
- Click Menu
- Select Manage, then Export

Choose what you would like to export:
- All my data. This includes everything within your Workflow
- Some of my pages. Displays all of your Workflow pages, select those you would like to export.
- Some of my collections. Displays all of your Workflow collections, select those you would like to export.
- Select whether you would like to include any comments within your pages
- Click Generate export
- Workflow will generate your export file. Once complete your exported portfolio will appear as a downloadable .zip file.

Using your export
To view your exported content from Workflow:
- Open the .zip file.
- Open the folder HTML
- Open the file index.html, this will open in your default web browser.
Once opened you will have access to your pages and collections, plus any uploaded files. The exported file will also include resources such as your CV, profile page and any journal entries.
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