Workflow: Getting started
About Workflow
Workflow is an online portfolio platform that allows you to publish and share your work, explore the work of others, collaborate on group projects, and submit your work for assessment.
Workflow can be used to collect information from a wide range of digital sources into a portfolio format. These can include text, images, video, PDFs, social media content and a variety of other sources.
How to find Workflow
Workflow can be found at:
Logging in
To log in to Workflow select the Login In button at the top right corner.

Enter your UAL username and password to continue.

Workflow Dashboard
The Workflow Dashboard is an editable homepage for your Workflow account. Here you can view your portfolios and those shared with you, as well as keep track of comments, messages and notifications through your inbox.

The dashboard can also be edited to include other content blocks. This works in the same way as other Workflow pages, with the existing blocks able to be moved or deleted, and new content included. While viewing your Workflow Dashboard, click the
Pencil button to get started. You will be able to edit your dashboard with more blocks or move blocks to your liking.

Getting Around
Find your way around Workflow using the menu bar at the top of any Workflow page.
Here you’ll find links to your Notifications Inbox, your Workflow Profile, and the ☰ Menu button for navigating Workflow.

Editing your Profile
You can edit your Workflow profile using the Profile menu button. Here you can update your name, contact information, and add links to your social media.
Click the profile image to update your profile picture.

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