Moodle 4.3 Upgrade

This summer we’re upgrading from Moodle 4.1 to Moodle 4.3. Read below for the key changes, click through for more detailed information on new features.


Updates to Gradebook

  • Improvements have been made to the Gradebook UI to improve usability, including functions for searching, sorting and viewing grades, and aggregating grades across assessments.

Improvements to course pages

  • Activities can now be indented in course pages and course menus, providing a new method for indicating hierarchy in pages.
  • Text and media elements (labels) now appear in the course index tab and have a new custom naming feature.
  • Collapse all and Expand all options have been added to the course page to make it easier to work with sections.
  • New activity card designs have been introduced. View and update more activity information from the course page, such as availability and group settings.
  • Bulk editing for course activities is now available: delete, duplicate and move multiple course items using the new bulk edit tool.
  • Course sections can now be duplicated, and permalinks have been introduced for individual course sections to make it easier to share content.
  • Moodle now remembers course position when using browser back button from an activity – you’ll be taken back to exactly where you left.
  • Small improvements to completion criteria settings, including new site-wide default settings and clearer settings for managing activity and course completion conditions.

Updates to activities

  • Students can now be messaged directly from a Moodle assignment about late or missing submissions
  • Small UI improvements to Database activity
  • Updates to Quiz and Question Bank functionality, including improved question bank searching.
  • H5P content in the content bank can now be duplicated

Official Moodle Changelogs

Read more details about everything that’s changed with the Moodle updates by following the links below:

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