Inclusive Blended Learning Design – Blended studio practice

In this guide:


This design enables students to learn specified elements of practice and demonstrate learning through partial creation of a piece of work. The range of activities (MCQs, forum discussion, practical work, blog post) will engage and help students demonstrate understanding, as well as allow the tutor to identify areas to reiterate. These activities, and the opportunities for students to choose to show work to a large or small group, will allow different learning preferences to be considered. A sense of community and peer support can be achieved through shared working and observation. The quiet time in the synchronous session will allow for reflection and give students a breather towards the end of the session.


3–4 hours over 1 week 

Learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the practice.
  • Apply the practice by part-creating a piece of work.
  • Demonstrate reflection on the work of a peer.
  • Demonstrate reflection on their own practice.

Activity 1: Familiarisation with practice

  • Time: 1-1.5 hours over 2 days
  • Student interacts with: peers, tutor, content
  • Mode: Asynchronous

Activity steps: 

  1. Student watches a pre-recorded video demonstration of the particular practice.
  2. Student responds to MCQs to check understanding of video.
  3. Tutor uses forum to deal with key misconceptions from quiz and explain more about the forthcoming brief. Students contribute to forum discussion for tips and ideas on the brief.
  4. Student follows brief to begin creation of required artifact to a point indicated by tutor.

Suggested tools and spaces:

  • Panopto video linked on Moodle
  • Moodle quiz
  • Moodle forum
  • Brief – Moodle

Facilitation notes:

Tutors need:

Students need:

  • Link to video.
  • Link to Moodle quiz.
  • Activity brief.
  • Link to Moodle forum and instructions on how to use it.

Activity 2: Practice sharing and discussion

  • Time: 1 hour, timetabled
  • Student interacts with: peers, tutor, content
  • Mode: Synchronous

Activity steps: 

  1. Tutor reiterates key points of practice.
  2. Some students are invited to show their work in progress.
  3. Tutor and students give informal feedback based on pre-agreed basic rubric.
  4. Students continue to work and to observe each other working.

Suggested tools and spaces:

Facilitation notes:

Tutors need:

  • Guidance on setting up a poll.
  • Poll to ask MCQs on key areas of weakness as identified from the asynchronous Moodle quiz – correct answers can be immediately confirmed.
  • Pre-arrangement with some students so that they are prepared to show work. Less confident students can opt to show their work to smaller groups/pairs in breakout rooms or not show this time.
  • Information on setting up and monitoring breakout rooms in Collaborate.
  • Troubleshooting guidance in case of issues with video during working/observation time.

Students need:

  • To arrange how/if to show their work in progress.
  • Cameras on where possible and some quiet time to work and observe each other.
  • To take notes on others’ work/practice for their reflection.

Activity 3: Reflection and critical review 

  • Time: 1-1.5 hours over 2 days
  • Student interacts with: peers, tutor, content
  • Mode: Asynchronous

Activity steps: 

  1. Students review the work in progress of a peer and reflect on their own practice in relation to the peer’s work.
  2. Students prepare two learning points and one point they would like to be reiterated ahead of the next synchronous session.

Suggested tools and spaces:

Facilitation notes:

Tutors need:

Students need:

  • Guidance on using myblog.
  • Information on key elements to include in their reflection.
  • To prepare to use the first part of the next synchronous session to write learning points and requests for clarification on the whiteboard.

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